Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hunt For the Light

Hello people, it's been ages for me not to update this blog. So now that i have free time, there are alot of thing i like to show or share with you all, what i have been doing lately.
This time I have an idea, try like those in national geographic or discovery channel, they try to take pictures of all kind of nature, tornado, lightning and lots more. For me, i try this kind of experience except that only from a long distance. Not that ready to go up close to it...
It was night 7:30pm on the 13 November 2010, a very thick cloud which is going to be a heavy rain also thunderous and lightning. I was able take a lot of pictures. Time after time, i thought i was gonna failed but in the end I finally caught what i want.
So here are some of the pictures i have taken.
A photos fail taken

Few minutes later, time after time, i caught almost my target but it's not it.

7:51pm I finally caught my target. It's not easy to take something that is fast than a second, but i was kinda lucky for this.

Well that's all for now guys.